Welcome to the Lightning Lounge 2.0

 Every weekend our Founder Thea (they/she) is personally holding virtual one-to-one 60 minute video chats offering career coach and personal brand sessions, inclusive of CV workshops and LinkedIn advice for y'all in return for donations directly to their GoFundme (minimum £50) whilst they raise money for their gender affirming surgeries 🏳️‍⚧️

 These sessions are perfect for you if:

  • You are a senior candidate getting constantly rejected by jobs you know you're qualified for and don't know why.
  • You’re in a toxic workplace that has ruined your confidence & self-esteem and need to talk things through with an external unbiased party confidentially.
  • You want to change industry but are finding the door firmly shut.
  • You’re at a career crossroads and don’t know what the f*ck you’re doing right now.
  • You want to start planning your next move slowly and building your brand up to have employers knock on your door.
  • You are the bridesmaid in job interviews and want to know how to level up that main character energy.
  • You're a recent graduate / junior candidate and want to get ahead of your peers in the hunger games of jobseeking.


The reviews are in  

I just wanted to say thank you so much for our session on Saturday, Thea!

Firstly, it was just so great to meet you! Secondly, I’ve woken up today with a fresh sense of purpose, and I can’t wait to crack on with everything we went through.


This session was the single best meeting i've had in my entire career. You are simply fantastic, Thea! Thank you for your energy, your support and your insights! From the CV masterclass, to the tailored job search to MY individual needs and the LinkedIn plan, it's priceless. Sorry I couldn't donate more, but so glad I could contribute to your journey.


I would pay you ten times what you're asking as donations for these sessions if I could, you're worth every bl**dy penny! Having 1:1 time with THE recruiter of the moment is simply priceless. If you're considering booking on to level up your job search then DO IT, Ms Thea is a superstar! 


This session was absolutely fantastic and was made even better knowing that I was supporting your journey to authenticity, Thea! Thank you for your pearls of wisdom and giving me such priceless advice during our session. My CV is giving hang it in the Louvre energy now! 


See you at the weekend!

Thank you for supporting  🏳️‍⚧️⚡️

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